In case of a new customer, the customer data, such as address, bank connection, amd so forth, is entered in the human task activity ProvideCustomerData ( 4). 对于新客户,将客户数据(如地址、银行连接等)输入到人工任务活动ProvideCustomerData中(4)。
Here we see that the mapping for Customer's Address field links the two halves of the relationship together with the foreign key reference in the table schema file. 这里我们看到Customer的Address字段映射用表模式文件中的外键引用将关系的两部分链接在一起。
This information is then joined with the CUSTOMER table in order to extract each customer's name, address, and current balance. 然后,将该信息与CUSTOMER表连接,以提取客户姓名、地址和当前负债数。
Therefore, you can open the pages to create a customer account and a customer address from the page dedicated to creating a customer record. 因此,您可以打开这些页面,在用于创建客户记录的页面上创建客户帐户和客户地址。
For example, if a customer edits his address in an application, other applications with their own databases should be notified so they can update their records. 例如,如果使用者在一个应用程序中编辑其地址,则应该通知其他的应用程序以及它们自己的数据库,以便它们可以更新其记录。
The customerinfo object also contains two structured objects to define the customer address and phone numbers. customerinfo对象还包含两个结构化对象,用于定义客户地址和电话号码。
An example of a delta is when an application has changed a customer's address. 增量的示例有,在应用程序更改客户地址时进行的操作。
Getting the customer address data. 获得客户地址数据。
An example of a fact is "a customer has an address". 事实的一个例子是“一个客户有一个地址”。
Improve data quality and consistency for critical information needs, such as customer name and address. 提高关键信息需求(如客户姓名和地址)的数据质量和一致性。
It is enough at this point to only specify that a Customer class has an address attribute. 在当前这一步中,我们只需要表明顾客类具有一个叫做地址的属性就足够了。
The DB2 Command Editor displays each customer address record on one line. DB2CommandEditor是在一行中显示每个客户地址记录的。
Managers can also construct how customer service agents address customers so as not to alarm them. 管理人员还可以构造客户服务代理人用于应付客户的措辞,以防止惊吓着客户。
If not, it returns the customer's mailing address ( that is, the Address element for that customer). 如果不存在,那么该查询将返回客户的邮递地址(也就是那个客户的Address元素)。
Customer address information is provided by the sample HATS web service. 客户地址信息由示例HATSWeb服务提供。
Then in the Source view, add the code at the end of the displayResults function ( as shown below) to call the Yahoo Map program with the customer address supplied by the HATS web service. 然后在Source视图中,将如下代码添加到displayResults函数(如下所示)的末端以便用HATSWeb服务所提供的用户地址调用这个YahooMap程序。
The second value in the array, at response [ 1], is the customer's address and it takes a little more processing. 第二个值response[1],即客户地址,则需要更多一点处理。
A back-office process causes the customer's new address to be applied only to the customer relationship management ( CRM) system. 后台办公流程会导致客户的新地址仅应用到客户关系管理(CustomerRelationshipManagement,CRM)系统。
Other details might include customer address, billing details, round-trip delays, encryption, and service credit details. 其他内容可能包括客户地址、账单明细、往返延迟、加密和服务信用信息等。
For example, although both a customer management application and a shipping application require access to the customer address, only the customer management application modifies the address. 例如,尽管客户管理应用程序和配送应用程序都需要访问客户地址,但只有客户管理应用程序修改该地址。
The following is the complete code example and the customer and address schemas written to the console. 以下是完整的代码示例以及写入控制台的客户架构和地址架构。
Customer personas address the needs of customers, not end users, as discussed earlier in this chapter. 顾客人物角色解决的是顾客的需要,而不是最终的用户的需要,这一点在本章的前面已经讨论过。
Under options, select the include customer address check box if you want the customer address on the newsletter itself for mailing rather than on a separate envelope. 在“选项”下,如果想要将客户地址打印在新闻稿本身上以便邮寄(而不是打印在单独的信封)上,请选中“包含客户地址”复选框。
If you wish to opt-out from receiving any direct marketing materials or information from us, you may write to our Customer Service Centre at the address shown below. 如阁下不欲收到本公司之任何直销函件或资讯,阁下可按下述地址以书面方式通知本公司之客户服务中心。
If this option is enabled, customer can change shipping address and shipping method on PayPal website. “,”如果启用本选项,顾客将可以在Paypal网站更改配送地址和配送方式。
Each record contains data about one customer, and the address field contains the address for that customer. 每条记录包含有关一位客户的数据,而“地址”字段包含该客户的地址。
Please maintain the customer informations include email address you submit to us and ensure that informations are up to date, and accurate so that we can send you important information such renewal notice. 为确保我们能将重要信息通知阁下,例如续期事项,请经常保持更新您在本网站登记的联络资料包括电邮地址为正确及有效。
However, suppose that instead of just the name of the customer, we also want to return the customer's address. 但是,假设我们不仅要返回客户的名称,还要返回客户的地址。
Would you like a placeholder for the customer's address? 您是否要为客户地址预留位置?
Java is the language that faces to a network, pass it provide of the type database can handle the TCP/ IP agreement, the customer can pass the URL address to visit other objects very conveniently on the network. Java是面向网络的语言,通过它提供的类库可以处理TCP/IP协议,用户可以通过URL地址在网络上很方便的访问其他对象。